Matrix Operations#
#include <raft/linalg/transpose.cuh>
namespace raft::linalg
template<typename T, typename IndexType, typename LayoutPolicy, typename AccessorPolicy>
auto transpose(raft::resources const &handle, raft::mdspan<T, raft::matrix_extent<IndexType>, LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy> in, raft::mdspan<T, raft::matrix_extent<IndexType>, LayoutPolicy, AccessorPolicy> out) -> std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, void># Transpose a matrix. The output has same layout policy as the input.
- Template Parameters:
T – Data type of input matrix element.
IndexType – Index type of matrix extent.
LayoutPolicy – Layout type of the input matrix. When layout is strided, it can be a submatrix of a larger matrix. Arbitrary stride is not supported.
AccessorPolicy – Accessor for the input and output, must be valid accessor on device.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft handle for managing expensive cuda resources.
in – [in] Input matrix.
out – [out] Output matrix, storage is pre-allocated by caller.