libcuspatial  23.12.00
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Ccuspatial::box< T, Vertex >A generic axis-aligned box type
 Ccuspatial::detail::box_to_tuple< T, Box >
 Ccuspatial::test::EmptyGeometryColumnBase< T >Test Fixture that initializes empty geometry columns
 Ccuspatial::test::EmptyGeometryColumnFixture< T >
 Ccuspatial::test::EmptyGeometryColumnBase< double >
 Ccuspatial::test::EmptyGeometryColumnBase< float >
 Ccuspatial::detail::index_to_geometry_id< IndexT, GeometryIter >
 Ccuspatial::detail::interleaved_to_vec_2d< Iter, Enable >
 Ccuspatial::detail::interleaved_to_vec_2d< Iter, typename std::enable_if_t< thrust::is_contiguous_iterator_v< Iter > > >Specialization for thrust iterators conforming to contiguous_iterator. (including raw pointer)
 Ccuspatial::linestring_intersection_column_resultResult of linestring intersections
 Ccuspatial::linestring_intersection_result< T, OffsetType >Result of linestring intersections
 Ccuspatial::linestring_ref< VecIterator >Represent a reference to a linestring stored in a structure of arrays
 Ccuspatial::geometry_column_viewA non-owning, immutable view of a geometry column
 Ccuspatial::logic_errorException thrown when logical precondition is violated
 Ccuspatial::test::multilinestring_array< GeometryArray, PartArray, CoordinateArray >Owning object of a multilinestring array following geoarrow layout
 Ccuspatial::test::multilinestring_generator_parameter< T >Struct to store the parameters of the multilinestring generator
 Ccuspatial::multilinestring_range< GeometryIterator, PartIterator, VecIterator >Non-owning range-based interface to multilinestring data
 Ccuspatial::multilinestring_ref< PartIterator, VecIterator >Represent a reference to a multilinestring stored in a structure of arrays
 Ccuspatial::test::multipoint_array< GeometryArray, CoordinateArray >Owning object of a multipoint array following geoarrow format
 Ccuspatial::test::multipoint_generator_parameter< T >Struct to store the parameters of the multipoint aray
 Ccuspatial::multipoint_range< GeometryIterator, VecIterator >Non-owning range-based interface to multipoint data
 Ccuspatial::multipoint_ref< VecIterator >Represent a reference to multipoint stored in a structure of arrays
 Ccuspatial::test::multipolygon_array< GeometryArray, PartArray, RingArray, CoordinateArray >Owning object of a multipolygon array following geoarrow layout
 Ccuspatial::test::multipolygon_generator_parameter< T >Struct to store the parameters of the multipolygon array generator
 Ccuspatial::multipolygon_range< GeometryIterator, PartIterator, RingIterator, VecIterator >Non-owning range-based interface to multipolygon data
 Ccuspatial::multipolygon_ref< PartIterator, RingIterator, VecIterator >Represent a reference to a multipolygon stored in a structure of arrays
 Ccuspatial::test::geometric_distribution< T >Generates a geometric distribution between lower_bound and upper_bound. This distribution is an approximation generated using normal distribution
 Ccuspatial::test::OneGeometryColumnBase< T >Test Fixture that initializes one geometry column
 Ccuspatial::test::OneGeometryColumnFixture< T >
 Ccuspatial::test::OneGeometryColumnBase< float >
 Ccuspatial::test::point_generator< T, Generator >
 Ccuspatial::point_linestring_nearest_points_resultContainer for the result of pairwise_point_linestring_nearest_points
 Ccuspatial::polygon_ref< RingIterator, VecIterator >Represent a reference to a polygon stored in a structure of arrays
 Ccuspatial::test::detail::random_walk_functor< T >
 Ccuspatial::range< IteratorType >Abstract Data Type (ADT) for any containers representable with a start and end iterator
 Ccuspatial::test::RMMResourceMixinMixin to supply rmm resources for fixtures
 Ccuspatial::test::BaseFixtureBase test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with no parameterization or only with type parameterization should inherit
 Ccuspatial::test::EmptyGeometryColumnFixture< T >
 Ccuspatial::test::OneGeometryColumnFixture< T >
 Ccuspatial::test::BaseFixtureWithParam< Ts >Base test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with only value parameterization should inherit
 Ccuspatial::cuda_errorException thrown when a CUDA error is encountered
 Ccuspatial::segment< T, Vertex >A generic segment type
 Ccuspatial::detail::strided_functor< stride >
 Ccuspatial::test::detail::tabulate_direction_functor< T, index_t >
 Ccuspatial::test::BaseFixtureBase test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with no parameterization or only with type parameterization should inherit
 Ccuspatial::test::BaseFixtureWithParam< Ts >Base test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with only value parameterization should inherit
 Ccuspatial::detail::tuple_to_vec_2d< T, VectorType >
 Ccuspatial::test::value_generator< T, Generator >
 Ccuspatial::vec_2d< T >A generic 2D vector type
 Ccuspatial::detail::vec_2d_to_tuple< T, VectorType >
 Ccuspatial::detail::vec_2d_tuple_to_box< T, Vertex >
 Ccuspatial::vec_3d< T >A generic 3D vector type