libcuspatial  23.12.00
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Cinterleaved_to_vec_2d< Iter, typename std::enable_if_t< thrust::is_contiguous_iterator_v< Iter > > >Specialization for thrust iterators conforming to contiguous_iterator. (including raw pointer)
 CBaseFixtureBase test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with no parameterization or only with type parameterization should inherit
 CBaseFixtureWithParamBase test fixture class from which libcuspatial test with only value parameterization should inherit
 CEmptyGeometryColumnBaseTest Fixture that initializes empty geometry columns
 Cgeometric_distributionGenerates a geometric distribution between lower_bound and upper_bound. This distribution is an approximation generated using normal distribution
 Cmultilinestring_arrayOwning object of a multilinestring array following geoarrow layout
 Cmultilinestring_generator_parameterStruct to store the parameters of the multilinestring generator
 Cmultipoint_arrayOwning object of a multipoint array following geoarrow format
 Cmultipoint_generator_parameterStruct to store the parameters of the multipoint aray
 Cmultipolygon_arrayOwning object of a multipolygon array following geoarrow layout
 Cmultipolygon_generator_parameterStruct to store the parameters of the multipolygon array generator
 COneGeometryColumnBaseTest Fixture that initializes one geometry column
 CRMMResourceMixinMixin to supply rmm resources for fixtures
 CboxA generic axis-aligned box type
 Ccuda_errorException thrown when a CUDA error is encountered
 Cgeometry_column_viewA non-owning, immutable view of a geometry column
 Clinestring_intersection_column_resultResult of linestring intersections
 Clinestring_intersection_resultResult of linestring intersections
 Clinestring_refRepresent a reference to a linestring stored in a structure of arrays
 Clogic_errorException thrown when logical precondition is violated
 Cmultilinestring_rangeNon-owning range-based interface to multilinestring data
 Cmultilinestring_refRepresent a reference to a multilinestring stored in a structure of arrays
 Cmultipoint_rangeNon-owning range-based interface to multipoint data
 Cmultipoint_refRepresent a reference to multipoint stored in a structure of arrays
 Cmultipolygon_rangeNon-owning range-based interface to multipolygon data
 Cmultipolygon_refRepresent a reference to a multipolygon stored in a structure of arrays
 Cpoint_linestring_nearest_points_resultContainer for the result of pairwise_point_linestring_nearest_points
 Cpolygon_refRepresent a reference to a polygon stored in a structure of arrays
 CrangeAbstract Data Type (ADT) for any containers representable with a start and end iterator
 CsegmentA generic segment type
 Cvec_2dA generic 2D vector type
 Cvec_3dA generic 3D vector type