Ccuproj::ellipsoid< T > | Ellipsoid parameters |
Ccuproj::ellipsoid< typename Coordinate::value_type > | |
Ccuproj::detail::epsg_code | |
Ccuproj_test::grid_generator< Coord > | |
▼Cstd::logic_error | |
Ccuproj::logic_error | Exception thrown when logical precondition is violated |
▼Ccuproj::operation< Coordinate, T > | Base class for all transform operations |
Ccuproj::axis_swap< Coordinate > | Axis swap operation: swap x and y coordinates |
Ccuproj::clamp_angular_coordinates< Coordinate, T > | Clamp angular coordinates to the valid range and offset by the central meridian (lam0) and an optional prime meridian offset |
Ccuproj::degrees_to_radians< Coordinate > | Converts degrees to radians and vice versa |
Ccuproj::offset_scale_cartesian_coordinates< Coordinate, T > | Given Cartesian coordinates (x, y) in meters, offset and scale them to the projection's origin and scale (ellipsoidal semi-major axis) |
Ccuproj::transverse_mercator< Coordinate, T > | |
Ccuproj::projection< Coordinate, T > | A projection transforms coordinates between coordinate reference systems |
Ccuproj::projection_parameters< T > | Projection parameters |
Ccuproj::projection_parameters< typename Coordinate::value_type > | |
▼Cstd::runtime_error | |
Ccuproj::cuda_error | Exception thrown when a CUDA error is encountered |
Ccuproj::projection_parameters< T >::tmerc_params | |
Ccuproj::vec_2d< T > | A generic 2D vector type |