libcudf  24.02.00
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NcudfCuDF interfaces
 Ngroupbygroupby APIs
 NhashingHash APIs
 NioIO interfaces
 NstringsStrings column APIs
 NtdigestTdigest interfaces
 CaggregationAbstract base class for specifying the desired aggregation in an aggregation_request
 Crolling_aggregationDerived class intended for rolling_window specific aggregation usage
 Cgroupby_aggregationDerived class intended for groupby specific aggregation usage
 Cgroupby_scan_aggregationDerived class intended for groupby specific scan usage
 Creduce_aggregationDerived class intended for reduction usage
 Cscan_aggregationDerived class intended for scan usage
 Csegmented_reduce_aggregationDerived class intended for segmented reduction usage
 CcolumnA container of nullable device data as a column of elements
 CnullateIndicates the presence of nulls at compile-time or runtime
 Ccolumn_device_viewAn immutable, non-owning view of device data as a column of elements that is trivially copyable and usable in CUDA device code
 Cmutable_column_device_viewA mutable, non-owning view of device data as a column of elements that is trivially copyable and usable in CUDA device code
 Ccolumn_viewA non-owning, immutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as indicated by a bitmask
 Cmutable_column_viewA non-owning, mutable view of device data as a column of elements, some of which may be null as indicated by a bitmask
 Cpacked_columnsColumn data in a serialized format
 Cpacked_tableThe result(s) of a cudf::contiguous_split
 Cchunked_packPerform a chunked "pack" operation of the input table_view using a user provided buffer of size user_buffer_size
 Cdictionary_column_viewA wrapper class for operations on a dictionary column
 Ccolumn_metadataDetailed metadata information for arrow array
 Chash_joinHash join that builds hash table in creation and probes results in subsequent *_join member functions
 Cget_json_object_optionsSettings for get_json_object()
 Clist_device_viewA non-owning, immutable view of device data that represents a list of elements of arbitrary type (including further nested lists)
 Clist_size_functorReturns the size of the list by row index
 Clist_viewA non-owning, immutable view of device data that represents a list of elements of arbitrary type (including further nested lists)
 Clists_column_viewGiven a column-view of lists type, an instance of this class provides a wrapper on this compound column for list operations
 Crange_window_boundsAbstraction for window boundary sizes, to be used with grouped_range_rolling_window()
 Cwindow_boundsAbstraction for window boundary sizes
 CscalarAn owning class to represent a singular value
 Cnumeric_scalarAn owning class to represent a numerical value in device memory
 Cfixed_point_scalarAn owning class to represent a fixed_point number in device memory
 Cstring_scalarAn owning class to represent a string in device memory
 Cchrono_scalarAn owning class to represent a timestamp/duration value in device memory
 Ctimestamp_scalarAn owning class to represent a timestamp value in device memory
 Cduration_scalarAn owning class to represent a duration value in device memory
 Clist_scalarAn owning class to represent a list value in device memory
 Cstruct_scalarAn owning class to represent a struct value in device memory
 Cnumeric_scalar_device_viewA type of scalar_device_view that stores a pointer to a numerical value
 Cfixed_point_scalar_device_viewA type of scalar_device_view that stores a pointer to a fixed_point value
 Cstring_scalar_device_viewA type of scalar_device_view that stores a pointer to a string value
 Ctimestamp_scalar_device_viewA type of scalar_device_view that stores a pointer to a timestamp value
 Cduration_scalar_device_viewA type of scalar_device_view that stores a pointer to a duration value
 Cstring_viewA non-owning, immutable view of device data that is a variable length char array representing a UTF-8 string
 Cstrings_column_viewGiven a column-view of strings type, an instance of this class provides a wrapper on this compound column for strings operations
 Cstruct_viewA non-owning, immutable view of device data that represents a struct with fields of arbitrary types (including primitives, lists, and other structs)
 Cstructs_column_viewGiven a column view of struct type, an instance of this class provides a wrapper on this compound column for struct operations
 Celement_equality_comparatorPerforms an equality comparison between two elements in two columns
 Crow_equality_comparatorPerforms a relational comparison between two elements in two tables
 Celement_relational_comparatorPerforms a relational comparison between two elements in two columns
 Crow_lexicographic_comparatorComputes whether one row is lexicographically less than another row
 Celement_hasherComputes the hash value of an element in the given column
 Celement_hasher_with_seedFunction object for computing the hash value of a row in a column
 Crow_hasherComputes the hash value of a row in the given table
 CtableA set of cudf::column's of the same size
 Ctable_device_viewTable device view that is usable in device memory
 Cmutable_table_device_viewMutable table device view that is usable in device memory
 Ctable_viewA set of cudf::column_view's of the same size
 Cmutable_table_viewA set of mutable_column_views of the same size
 Corder_infoIndicates how a collection of values has been ordered
 Cdata_typeIndicator for the logical data type of an element in a column
 Cstacktrace_recorderThe struct to store the current stacktrace upon its construction
 Clogic_errorException thrown when logical precondition is violated
 Ccuda_errorException thrown when a CUDA error is encountered
 Cdata_type_errorException thrown when an operation is attempted on an unsupported dtype
 Cis_host_span_supported_container< std::vector< T, Alloc > >
 Cis_host_span_supported_container< thrust::host_vector< T, Alloc > >
 Cis_host_span_supported_container< std::basic_string< T, std::char_traits< T >, Alloc > >
 Chost_spanC++20 std::span with reduced feature set
 Cis_device_span_supported_container< thrust::device_vector< T, Alloc > >
 Cis_device_span_supported_container< rmm::device_vector< T > >
 Cis_device_span_supported_container< rmm::device_uvector< T > >
 Cdevice_spanDevice version of C++20 std::span with reduced feature set
 Cis_convertible< cudf::detail::timestamp< Duration1 >, cudf::detail::timestamp< Duration2 > >
 Cdispatch_storage_typeUse this specialization on type_dispatcher whenever you only need to operate on the underlying stored type
 Cdictionary_wrapperA strongly typed wrapper for indices in a DICTIONARY type column
 Nnumericfixed_point and supporting types
 Cscaled_integerHelper struct for constructing fixed_point when value is already shifted
 Cfixed_pointA type for representing a number with a fixed amount of precision
 NnvtextNVText APIs
 Cbpe_merge_pairsThe table of merge pairs for the BPE encoder
 Chashed_vocabularyThe vocabulary data for use with the subword_tokenize function
 Ctokenizer_resultResult object for the subword_tokenize functions
 Ctokenize_vocabularyVocabulary object to be used with nvtext::tokenize_with_vocabulary